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Introduction to Home Schooling for Beginners

Kaethe Jones

Apr 11, 2024

First Home school Meeting - January 24, 2023. Start with concerns of parents regarding their children and homeschooling.

HOMESCHOOL AGENDA  - January 24, 2023


Introduction of myself and credentials  

PERSONAL HISTORY- Kaethe (my first name is pronounced KAY-teh) JONES

  • born in Paraguay, S.A., raised in Vancouver, attended public elementary and secondary schools

  • speaks, reads and writes High German adequately, understands Low German, and some sign language due to a deaf sister and brother-in-law


  • graduated from UBC - B.Education- major in Special Education, minor in German

  • 2 baccalaureates from SFU- special education in Inclusive Learning Environments and Teaching and Learning in a Technology Environment (T-LITE)


  • 2 First nations settlements - Northwest Territories and NE British Columbia (K- gr.2)

  • semi-isolated Mennonite community - Kindergarten, Learning Assistance Teacher, enrichment catalyst teacher

  • Private school - Kindergarten and Learning Assistance Teacher

  • 24 years in public schools - K - grade 3


  • 17 years as a union staff rep and 2+ years a a member of the Chilliwack Teachers’ Executive


Start with concerns of parents regarding their children and homeschooling 

a. register or enroll (explain difference + handout or internet link) Home Learning Options - Greater Vancouver Home Learners In BC, homelearners have the option of either registering as homeschoolers, or enrolling with a DL School

Date came into force or revised. July 1, 2021. Status. Interim online learning policies are in effect for the 2021/22 and 2022/23 and school years. Policy statement.

The Homeschooling Policy applies to both Public Schools and Independent Schools. A new Homeschooling Procedures and Guidelines Manual has been released to supplement the existing Homeschooling Policy. The Manual summarizes requirements and optional better practices and will help to support homeschoolers and the schools that register them.

   i. legalities - click on the links in the article - you must re-register or re-enroll your child every year!!

   ii.  requirements


b. Homeschooling groups in the Chilliwack area (handout) Britannia Beach. Britannia Beach BC Homeschoolers Areas served: Britannia Beach and the areas between Britannia Beach and West Vancouver on the Sea to Sky route.


c. if you want to ENROLL your child at Christian Heritage On-line, it  has a Community Connections group of students that meets  as a regular class & their grade level for your child on Thursdays at the Salvation Army - accredited teachers

d. contact information for me and for the group from the parents - e-mail, cell / phone

e. parent information about  their child(ren) who will be homeschooled- written out

                 i. name - age - grade

                 ii. giftings

                 iii. concerns

                 iv. special needs for learning

                 v. special interests of the child(ren)

f. testing of specific skills in area of language arts, math  which I can offer

g. resources  and where to buy them - The Teacher Learning Store (Abbotsford)

For holiday closings and summer hours information please listen to the recorded message at 604-859-9663 or call toll free in Canada 1-877-206-2066.   - over 300 products in this catalogue to view

The best immediate comprehensive workbook is:

  The Complete Canadian Curriculum - Pre-school to Grade 8

  Canadian Math Books in grade levels

  Evan - Moore Science Curriculum Books -graded levels

  Daily Reading Comprehension - gr. 1 - 8

  Evan-Moore Spelling books

  • Mastermind store (Abbotsford)

  • House of James  (Abby) -if you want to incorporate Christian materials into your day/week/month/theme

  • Staples has limited supplies 

  • London Drugs has limited supplies  

  • go to Dollar Stores first to search for inexpensive supplies re: art, etc  - not all - - - Dollar Stores carry  the same items so it would be good to check many of them out 

  • your library for reading books-  thrift stores as well - trade books with a friend


h. sharing supplies and make up theme boxes to sign out for science , social studies - maybe for 3 -4 weeks at a time

i.  fundraising events for some resources

j. YouTube Homeschool different styles - 3 examples below - a multitude more - dig in until you find someone that resonates with you and your children


1. The Waldock Way: How to Homeschool Without A Curriculum  Instead of following a boxed curriculum this school year, why not jump outside the box and pursue real-world learning through games, great books, and lots of adventure! Don’t worry, I’ll show you how to get started homeschooling without a curriculum this year. Discover our favorite games, movies, resources, and projects for learning math.


How I Plan Our Homeschool Year | Big Picture Homeschool Planning

Let's chat about the six simple steps I take each year to plan our homeschool year. This big picture homeschool plan helps set our homeschool year up for success.


2. 7 DIFFERENT Ways To Schedule Your HOMESCHOOL YEAR | Homeschool Planning Ideas: When I started homeschooling, I had no idea there were different ways to schedule your homeschool year! I thought everyone just followed the traditional school schedule. I was wrong! In this video, I'm sharing 7 different options for scheduling your homeschool year. Bet there's at least one you haven't heard of! 📢 I'm super excited to.


I Wish I Knew THIS Before I Started Homeschooling

I was ready to quit homeschooling...and then this happened. This is my story of how I went from being a burnt-out, overwhelmed homeschool mom to finding true peace and joy in our homeschool lifestyle. I'm here to encourage you in your journey and help you have confidence that you can do this too - and love it in the process! 🌟 Reclaim peace.


3. If you like something more traditional check out this link: Subject Cards: A Great Homeschool Schedule Hack - YouTube

Here's a quick and simple tip for laying out your weekly and daily homeschool schedules. MENTIONED Blog post version of this episode with more examples.


How to be a Working Mom and Homeschool Your Kids! My Scheduling Hacks!

Are you freaking out that Coronavirus/Covid-19 will force you once again to be a Homeschooler? Do you have a full time job and can't even picture how you can work and Homeschool? Well, I am a FULL TIME Time Practicing Attorney and in my time in College and the rigorous intensity that is law school, I learned time management and efficiency at a .. watch..



k. planning a field trip to Abbotsford to check out resources?

l. If you are curious and want to learn more about SOGI123 you can visit my blog at



Scroll down to October 2018 and start reading from there to get the full picture of what the agenda is to destroy our children.


The purpose of this blog is to expose the real agenda of the education system through the lense of education, governmental dictates and the spirit realm. You may agree or disagree but we and our children are living in a time like no other.  It is our job to be aware of the dangers and pitfalls by engaging with our children, thereby warning them.

On the agenda will be about planning curriculum for a year , by the month and how to set up a weekly / daily time table- plus any other concerns or questions.

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